Sunday, 13 April 2014

Review - Coolway True Smooth Hair Spray

When I read Beauty Stat's post about Coolway True Smooth Spray it caught my attention, it sounded too good to be true.

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There are times when I am unable to visit the salon to have my hair professionally styled.  This means that I have to do it myself and let's just say that I don't always get results that I can be proud of. If Coolway True Smooth Spray really did all the things that it promised, my hair woes would become a thing of the past.  I seized the opportunity to review this product and waited anxiously for it to arrive in the mail.  

The Sunday after I received the Coolway True Smooth Spray, I washed my hair and sprayed the product on my wet hair as recommended.  I also used some moisturizer and wrap lotion which is my normal routine.

Before -  Here I am dreading sitting under that hot dryer.


I then wrapped my hair, sat under my hood dryer and hoped for the best.  When my hair had dried, I just combed it out and I could not believe my eyes. Even though the product did not cut down on on drying time, it gave me smooth results and my hair looked salon worthy.   This is no easy feat because I have coarse, relaxed hair that has a mind  of its own.

After - Free at last and loving how my hair looks.

This style lasted the entire week, which is a first.  All I had to do was wrap it before going to sleep, apply a little moisturizer and comb it out when I was ready to leave home.  I usually have to use a curling iron every two days to maintain this style.  

Coolway True Smooth Spray is an amazing product, I am very impressed.

Use code BeautyStat14 to receive a 10% discount on all °Coolway 
purchases at (not including shipping revenue and 

This item was provided for review courtesy of

Click here to see how my hair looked on Day 6, 8 and 11.

"...because your make-up should always enhance." - Nakita Squires

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